Welcome to
Oklahoma Hunters and Anglers

Oklahoma Hunters & Anglers Membership

Raised Here - Stays Here

Oklahoma Hunters & Anglers is committed to keeping every dollar raised in OKLAHOMA. The OHAs motto is Raised Here – Stays Here, putting your membership dollars back to work here at home. Oklahoma Hunters & Anglers (OHA) has no paid staff.
– Your membership is critical as we continue to overcome R3 
– Your membership makes an immediate impact on our mission

Every Single Dollar Goes To Conservation Mission Centric Work

Your membership supports the OHAs ongoing workshops designed to open the doors to new and early onset hunters and anglers as well as providing opportunities for experienced sportsmen and women to enhance their skills.

Annual Individual Membership

(Single Member)



(Member & Spouse)



(Member, Spouse and children under 18)


Members enjoy first option to sign up for all OHA events, raffles, receive our monthly Newsletter, 40% discount from Lurenet.com and knowing that you are playing a significant role in securing the future of hunting and fishing right here in Oklahoma.

On behalf of the Board of Directors thank you for considering joining the OHA.